Our Ambition

In a time when new technologies and media habits are radically changing the industry, we are facing societal challenges that indicate that we cannot just move forward in the same way as we have done in the past. The world needs creative students who possess a critical and reflective stance toward the impact of audiovisual media on society. PRISMA stems from the understanding that it is the students who will be able to unravel what the media art landscape will look like in the future.

Spearheaded by staff and students at the Westerdals Department of Film and Media (WIFM), the research group PRISMA aims to ensure students develop the skills needed for contributing to change and innovation in their respective fields of study.

Our main goal is to develop a new student-centered pedagogical model anchored in research on innovation theory and pedagogy and grounded on interdisciplinary teamwork, problem-based learning (PBL) and peer feedback. Central to this work is the development of the new joint semester Media Art Innovation Lab launching in Spring 2025, which brings together all students from the six study programs at WIFM in interdisciplinary and innovative collaboration.

As a research group, we develop new forms of internal and external cooperation and facilitate an ongoing forum for the diverse range of expertise contributed by educators and students alike. Our various research and dissemination activities seek to ensure that the project remains closely aligned with the ever-evolving media art landscape.

At the core of Westerdals Department of Film and Media is audiovisual communication and storytelling, with a focus on production, content and experience. The students work artistically and conceptually with ideas together with the audience and users as the target group.